Building my studio from the ground up.
- Welcome to my studio warming!
- Grouting makes a mess
- I love the floor!
- The floor is in and ready for grout
- This is a big job!
- The walls were painted, now Jerry is installing the saltillo tile floor
- Running all the other electrical
- Now to insulate the inside and run wires for surround sound
- The building is complete!
- Now for the stucco
- It’s all browned out
- Brown coating begins
- All roofed and ready for the brown coat
- Half the roof is tiled and the chicken wire is on and ready for the stucco
- Time to install roof tile
- Roofing paper is installed
- Sheathing is on and roof boards are in place
- All the beams are in place and exterior sheathing is being installed
- The studs are up, the center beam is in, now the rest of the beams can come in
- SUCCESS!! Everyone is happy.
- Let’s make a plan how we’re going to do this
- Now to set it upright and drop it in
- Only a foot left to go…
- Three fourths of the way there…
- The building starts to sway a bit, the women help stabilize it
- It’s over half way there…
- Keep pushing!
- Everybody push together now!
- OK, the hard part is done, now to shove it into place.
- Seven strong men work together to put it in place
- The beam was carried from the top of the property down to the studio
- The 500 pound center beam was carried down for installation.
- A portion of the fence was removed so the center beam could be brought in
- It was time for Jerry to start putting up stud walls
- Now all the cement work is done
- Concrete was installed between the house and the studio
- We hired these 3 guys to do the cement work between the house and the studio
- We got two concrete block walls in place
- Here’s the newly poured footings and floor to the studio
- Jerry got the ground ready to pour the concrete footings for the studio
- Fast forward, we rented a front end loader and finished the digging, then prepared for the foundation
- After 3 days of digging, we weren’t making much progress, digging in decomposed granite killed me!
- With the iceplant removed, you can see the hill that needs to be dug away
- Pam is showing where the site is, we cut away the iceplant and started cleanup
- A view from above of the “footprint” of the studio
- A view of the studio site from the street level
- Here is the site for the new studio