First of all, I need to correct the name of the orphan blocks I showed yesterday. They are NOT Ohio Stars, they are Sawtooth Stars. In searching images on the internet, I was particularly inspired by this one.I liked the layout, and I had most of the blocks already done. They were a bit of an odd size. They finished at 7 1/4″ square. The flying geese portion was 1 3/4″ x 3 1/2″, not your normal size. I went through my stash and came up with fabric for 8 more blocks to add to the mix.
Must have some plaid!
And every quilt needs a spark of blue.
The center of this one is an oldie but goodie!
And then a light star with a dark background. . .
something scrappy is interesting. custodia corsa iphone 5s . .
And finally, something with rather low contrast. Now I had to mix them all up and arrange them in rows.
I arranged them in what I thought was a pleasing manor and sewed them together. Next, I auditioned setting triangles and came up with this nice black print.
Then I took it a step further and added a thin border of red
It’s looking good, but one final step, I went to my scrap basket and used only what was in there to create the final border, that in my opinion, MAKES the quilt.
Wonderful plaids and prints in the same colors used in the blocks. custodia iphone 7 rock That’s the secret! Repeat colors 2-3 times in the quilt and don’t get to “matchy-matchy.” Check out the back:
This is an OLD Hoffman fabric, but the colors are spectacular for this quilt. It came in two pieces, but in order to make it fit the back I needed to seam it in five places. You can’t really even see them.
One of the seams was only to add 1 1/2″ to the bottom of the quilt
And you can see here, I didn’t have any too much extra! Now that’s cutting it close.
This is a close up of part of the border. Nothing goes to waste! I finished the binding with 4 different black fabrics. You don’t even notice. I was going to donate this to a charity, but now I think I have to keep it.
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