Remember that column in the old Family Circle, Woman’s Day or Redbook magazine, “Can this marriage be saved?” Well, that’s a little bit how I feel about this quilt. apple custodia in pelle iphone se I even ask myself, is it worth it?
It is so frail, so worn, so lumpy, so. custodia bmw iphone x . custodia tpu iphone 7 plus . cool!
It’s an old album quilt that is tied, has some bumpy cotton wads that used to be batting. I’m up for the challenge! I’m going to give it a try.
Whoah! look what’s inside! It’s totally wadded up.
Here’s what came out of it. Not a single flat piece of batting in the whole thing.
These are all the colorful ties that came out of it. custodia iphone 6 serie tv I’m saving the “guts” for a funky primitive project that I’ll tell you about if I ever get around to it.
Here it is, single layer. You can see what shape it’s in. custodia iphone 6s adidas Shall I quit? No!
Look how pretty it is. It deserves to be rescued.
The names are so sweet. I’m going to have my daughter do a little research on the names and see if we can find some connection to the present. Wouldn’t it be fun to find a living relative? Or, where it originated from? Oh, if only quilts could talk! That’s why a label is so important. I’m going to give it a gentle soak now before proceeding on with the next step. All major seam failures have been repaired.
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