This vintage quilt top was probably never finished because of that wild plaid outside border. So, why not remove it and find something more appropriate? Of course I’ll save the removed border for another project down the road.
I have a stash of vintage fabric, and this old cotton dress seemed to have just the flavor I was looking for. It was in good condition and there was plenty of usable fabric. custodia iphone se apple originale
Upon close inspection, I see the edges were serged. custodia guscio iphone 8 I wonder how long sergers have been around? OK. I just did a Google search and discovered that “overlock” machines were invented in 1881 by J. Merrow. custodia iphone 7 amore I never would have guessed they were that old! I remember getting my first serger around 1980 (One hundred years after they were invented!)
It looks better already, huh? I think it is absolutely charming now and can’t wait to quilt it.
And here it is quilted and machine bound, just waiting for the final handwork to complete the binding. I used the sticky buns pattern to quilt it, which is like following the lines on a pan of cinnamon rolls. custodia iphone 8 lupo It lays so nice and flat and has such great appeal. I really love how it looks now and I’m sure the original maker would be so pleased that it is finally useful.
OK, now for a closer look at the blocks: I think the maker had a “use what you have” mentality. I like that!
Three different fabrics used for one block that normally would have been made using two fabrics. In my opinion, they don’t even “go” together.
Then the maker throws in something like this, two different pinks, and a shot of red!
And finally, this one: six different fabrics, almost completely unrelated. And if you double click on the picture you can see that many of these were pieced. custodia iphone 8 braccio Now go back up to the finished quilt and look how charming the overall quilt is.
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