Professional cutting mat

  I decided to treat myself to a new cutting mat. I stumbled upon a website: I checked out all the various cutting mats and discovered that what I had been using was considered a “hobby” mat. custodia iphone 6 plus originale apple Well, I’m here to tell you that what I do is no hobby. It’s a full time profession, so I thought I’d step up and get what the big guns use. It’s an Alvin. custodia iphone 6 marca Check this out. It’s gray/light black with grids every 1/2″ and has the 45 degree and 60 degree angles too (not shown here) See how nicely it fits my center island? It is completely edge to edge, it measures 30″ x 60″ and to cut on it is a dream. It’s self healing, it has 3 layers, it is easy on the rotary cutting blades, it’s reversible, it’s amazing! I believe in getting the best equipment you can afford, and this is really top of the line. Actually, I never knew of this brand. I’d only been exposed to Olfa, Fiskers, and the translucent one from JoAnn Fabrics. I’m glad I made this discovery. custodia disney iphone 7 I took a class at Road to California a couple of weeks ago. Kim Diehl taught this amazing class on machine applique. I did this little center block in a day! I’m hooked! She’s a great teacher and shares a fantastic technique. custodia iphone 8 plus libro I can’t wait to get started on a big quilt with lots of applique.

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8 Responses to Professional cutting mat

  1. Gayle says:

    I’m a huge fan of Kim Diehl – got to visit her home in Idaho several years ago – and I’ve been using her applique method for ages! I have a cutting table made from a door so it’s big like yours – have only used the largest Olfa mat, but this new one you found looks great – although I prefer one with no markings at all since I use the ruler to measure – I’ll have to check them out! Thanks for sharing the information.

    • Pam says:

      Lucky you to visit Kim’s home! I’m a machine applique convert, thanks to her. You’ll love the new cutting mat. I like Olfa, but this has a bit softer surface and 3 layers. Good luck!

  2. Dee says:

    Can’t wait to try out your mat…just love the wall hanging too. I just checked out Kim Diehl at

    PS-Your card touched my heart.

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