Covered books and binders

sketchbook coverNow that Santa has delivered the goods, I can share what I’ve been up to for the past month. DSC04515In early November I took a class from Jake Finch, shown here making a custom cover for a notebook binder. Covered notebooksOh, what fun it was creating these custom covers for 3 ring binders, composition books, sketch books, book markers and note pads.composition book coverAfter I made one, I decided to modify the directions. Since the lining of the cover really doesn’t show, I started using plain fabric instead of the expensive fashion fabric.DSC04544This is a composition book next to a 3 ring binder. I also figured since the inside of the pocket doesn’t show, I’d use plain fabric for that too. Amber's coordinated booksSo, here’s a little coordinated set for Amber, who is going back to school to get her Master’s degree in Nursing. She’ll need lots of places to keep notes, and how fun to have it all coordinate?inside pocket of binder coverAfter working on these projects for a while, I got even more creative and added a pocket on the inside of the 3 ring binder (and used inexpensive plain fabric to line the pocket.)Corrie's coordinated booksHere are Corrie’s coordinated covers. Can you see the “C” I quilted in the front? MK book coverThen I went to a denim theme for my handym’aa’m, whose business card reads: Marie Kay. Problem Solved. book coversAnd of course she needed a zipper pouch and custom bookmark to round out the fun. custodia iphone 6 serie tv The projects went quite quickly, the instructions were great, and all available in a book by Jake Finch called Fast, Fun and Easy Book Cover Art. custodia iphone 7 plus ultrasottile There are fantastic tips in there to make the project so professional looking. iphone 6 custodia finestra I’ll be doing some for myself now to cover the project binders lining my shelves.

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