Look who is here. I have a habit of leaving my studio door open when the weather is nice, as it was today. custodia iphone 7 plus tpu I went in the house for a quick lunch, and when I returned to the studio, imagine my surprise when I saw this visitor perched on the back of my sewing chair. I was startled, and I admit a little scared. I’ve had humming birds trapped in my studio for hours because they thought my skylights were exits, they didn’t have the sense to go back out the door they flew in. Here’s a little better shot:
Oh, I see now. Well, now, isn’t that interesting? It appears to be studying my rug hooking. Do you think this Roadrunner is attracted to my rendition of a quail? Funny, huh? Anyway, the excitement didn’t last too long, it made some funny sounds, made the rounds in my studio, then departed through the door and into the wild blue yonder. My sewing today consisted of assembling all components of the mystery quilt into blocks. I had a few challenges, for some reason I kept sewing the wrong parts together. I never got tired of fixing it and making it right. It looks soooooo good! I photographed every step of the process, so I will use the photos in the instructions to help workshop participants know what is going on. But of course I can’t share that with you yet. custodia iphone x vera pelle
I am on a roll. custodia caricatore iphone 6s I now have 5 memory bears sewn together. amazon custodia iphone 5 They look a little funny without their stuffing. I have 8 more to cut, sew and stuff to complete the order. Each one has such a different personality. There are never any two exactly alike. It was a very interesting day. . .
Wow…what a surprise visitor!
WOW! That IS a surprise visitor! I didn’t know that there were road runners in this area!
Yes Pam… I do think the roadrunner is enjoying your work. What a great picture. Who knew that roadrunners lived in your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing, I love it!
Susy Q