Five wonderful students spent the day with me in my studio weaving these beautiful Algonquin Shelf Baskets. custodia iphone 6s moschino Two students have not done any basket weaving before, and one has done dozens of baskets. Can you tell the novices from the experts? These beautiful baskets started as a pile of reed from the rattan palm at about 9:30 this morning. by 5:00 all were completed and ready to put to use carrying or storing things. custodia antiscivolo iphone x There isn’t anything quite so rewarding as completing a rather complex project in a one day class! After the students left, I gave the studio a good sweeping and put basket making supplies back on the shelf. custodia iphone 8 impermeabile rosa I had a little bite to eat and switched gears to Memory Bear making. custodia iphone 7 plus moschino Here I am laying out the pattern and cutting the parts for a little bear that will remind a loved one of someone in their past. custodia iphone 7 cambia colore
And when the bear is complete, it will look something like this:
I like that there are no facial features, that lets the garment of the loved one speak to the heart of the recipient.
Boy you are sure quick with your posts. I think your website is great…and you sure did not waste anytime on the ‘memory bears’…thank you 🙂 I’m off on Friday the 20th…also the 27th after 1pm through the 30th.